Man and woman for a feature film

Auteur : Guy X.

Man and woman for a feature film

For a feature film set in the region of Lyon, we are currently casting for the following roles:

  • A dynamic duo: We need a man and a woman in their 30s who can seamlessly portray a couple of personal trainers. We’re looking for individuals who are not only physically fit and toned but also radiate positivity with their smiles.
  • Corporate chaos: We’re also seeking men and women aged 25-33 to portray the insufferable interns of a prestigious company. We need performers who can embody the essence of corporate culture and bring a touch of authenticity to their roles.

Excellent oral English skills are a must for all roles, and improvisation skills will be greatly appreciated.

To apply, please submit portrait, full-length pictures, and your reel showcasing your talent and versatility.

Sexe : Femme / Homme
Age : 25-35 ans
Rémunération : Oui
Lieu : Région AURA
Projet : Cinéma / Fiction
Kino : Non
Rémunération : Oui
Défraiement : Oui
Date limite : 30/04/2024